Monday, June 23, 2014

Clear skies ahead?

Sorry to keep you all waiting ladies and gentlemen (Especially the ladies ;) This guy is available again)

 I wanted it to be:

Wait for it....

Hehe, *ahem* whoopsies.... still getting the hang of this....



*Kicks side of blog until it restarts properly*

It is the Captain's deepest regret to inform you that this post will be going against his solemn promise last week that he would not get on the subject of lost love. However, even though this post is going there, you will be happy (at least somewhat) to note that it is not all doom and gloom, and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

So, Jr has been wracking his brain this past week trying to come up with destinations for this ship to go without coming up against the dreaded lost love iceberg, but he's narrowly avoiding them, though they seemingly bar the way and it is what he's been focusing a fair chunk of time to himself on doing.

Captain Blog Jr has been doing his best to keep busy, not only to have things to talk about with this lovely audience (who showed so much love and support last week that he cannot thank enough for) but to also try his best to take his mind off of the ex (which has been an emotionally jarring rollercoaster at times).

Jr is hoping that he will be able to start moving in to a new place and getting away from some of the hurt that has been left behind. He spent some time with his (potential, though I hate saying it, I have to use it until things are officially approved) roommates and some of their friends. We started watching Season 1 of Once Upon A Time and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching it so far.

The downside to this new place? The path to get to and from follows pretty much the same path that I took to get to the ex's house and it's still a little too fresh to get to the new place and come home without getting a little misty.

This ship has had some close calls with the ex-bergs floating about, but Captain Blog Jr is gripping the wheel tightly, swaying the ship to and fro in the choppy waters that threaten to send him into the shimmering Goliaths that threaten to tear him down and drag him to the depths of the Sea of Regrets; the bitter taste of which caresses the Captain's taste buds with every spray from the sway, causing him to feel the stings of what lies beneath if he cannot make it through.

Fear not, however. For there is a lighthouse in the distant horizon, faintly pulsating between the crags and crevices of the drifting bergs. The Captain is getting professional guidance coming in through his marine radio at least once a week (skipping the flowery details, Jr is seeing a psychologist) giving me breathing techniques to help give me the patience and strength to focus on the narrow misses that have caused panic attacks through the journey thus far.

Certainly, the Captain is in over his head at times, more often than he wants to admit, but he is making progress and is looking forward to making it to that lighthouse on the horizon. The beacon for a new hope. The light that is tracing the path for me to follow to better myself during the course. And finally, when I have reached port, that is where he will meet the one person that was truly meant to be in his life for what remains of it. Who will be there for him, through all of his ups and downs, always wanting to shower him with the attention and the affection that he shows her.

The Captain relishes that day.

So, until that day comes, Jr will have to live his life to the fullest of his capabilities and with that being said:

Stay tuned and stay classy, my friends,

Much love,
Blog Jr (The Hapless Romantic)


At June 23, 2014 at 10:27 PM , Blogger The Premature Curmudgeon said...

Well done!

You see what I mean when I tell you don't have to post every day. Just write when you feel it.

Love that you have discovered The PC's current favorite TV show, "Once Upon a Time."

Oh, and I know you are catching up on HIMYM, but just a tiny spoiler...

In the end, everything worked out for everyone. It just took some patience and perseverance, and a little bit of luck.

Sail on, Captain!


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